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Growth regulator
GrowMateTM Plant is recommended for most crops including vegetable crops, field crops, citrus, turf, flowers grown in greenhouses, hydroponics, and particularly soils with less than 4% organic matter. Fulvic acids are a fraction of humic substances that are soluble in water under all pH conditions. They remain in liquid form after removal of humic acids by acidification and are yellow to light brown in color. Fulvic acids can be absorbed by a plant through its foliage and then be translocated to all parts of the plant.
When ready to use GrowMateTM Plant, shake the bottle well, then mix 1 gallon of the product thoroughly into 50 gallons of water per acre. GrowMateTM Plant is easy to apply and safe to use in all types of irrigation systems and liquid applications sprayers.
This product should not be ingested and contact with eyes must be avoided. In case of contact with eyes, flush with water. The use of protective equipment (industrial lenses) is suggested. May cause skin irritation.
Store in a cool dry place at temperatures between 45oF (7oC) and 100oF (38oC). Do not store in direct sunlight. Keep it tightly closed in its original packaging.
Fulvic acids 36%
Inert Components 64%
(Fulvic Acid Derived From Leonardite)
Method of analysis: 4 Real
Fulvic Acids 1.35%
Hydrophobic Fulvic Acids 2,300 ppm
(Fulvic Acid Derived From Leonardite)
Method of analysis: JAOAC 97(3):721-730 (2014)
Growth regulator
GrowMateTM Plant is recommended for most crops including vegetable crops, field crops, citrus, turf, flowers grown in greenhouses, hydroponics, and particularly soils with less than 4% organic matter. Fulvic acids are a fraction of humic substances that are soluble in water under all pH conditions. They remain in liquid form after removal of humic acids by acidification and are yellow to light brown in color. Fulvic acids can be absorbed by a plant through its foliage and then be translocated to all parts of the plant.
- Promotes root development
- Increases water storage capacity within the plant
- Stimulates metabolism by increasing molecular activity
- Increases resistance to stress and distress
When ready to use GrowMateTM Plant, shake the bottle well, then mix 1 gallon of the product thoroughly into 50 gallons of water per acre. GrowMateTM Plant is easy to apply and safe to use in all types of irrigation systems and liquid applications sprayers.
This product should not be ingested and contact with eyes must be avoided. In case of contact with eyes, flush with water. The use of protective equipment (industrial lenses) is suggested. May cause skin irritation.
Store in a cool dry place at temperatures between 45oF (7oC) and 100oF (38oC). Do not store in direct sunlight. Keep it tightly closed in its original packaging.
Fulvic acids 36%
Inert Components 64%
(Fulvic Acid Derived From Leonardite)
Method of analysis: 4 Real
Fulvic Acids 1.35%
Hydrophobic Fulvic Acids 2,300 ppm
(Fulvic Acid Derived From Leonardite)
Method of analysis: JAOAC 97(3):721-730 (2014)
Fulvic Acids <0.05%
(Fulvic Acid Derived From Leonardite)
Method of analysis: CDFA
Manufacturer’s and Seller’s obligation is limited to the replacement of products due to defective quality only. Neither Seller or Manufacturer shall be liable for damages directly or consequently arising from the use of this product. All suggestions or directions made herein are based upon our experience and are believed to be accurate. No other guarantee or warranty is made or implied by contract, statute, common law, merchantability, fitness, for a particular purpose or otherwise, as conditions and methods of the use of products are herein described are variable (e.g. weather etc.), and beyond our control. This information and any products are provided on the conditions that the user will evaluate them for himself, as well as, any recommendations to determine their suitability for his own purposes before adoption.
*GrowMateTM products are compatible with most phytosanitary, fertilizer/nutritional products and herbicides, except those with low pH (between 2 and 3) or very high pH (9 and above).
(Fulvic Acid Derived From Leonardite)
Method of analysis: CDFA
Manufacturer’s and Seller’s obligation is limited to the replacement of products due to defective quality only. Neither Seller or Manufacturer shall be liable for damages directly or consequently arising from the use of this product. All suggestions or directions made herein are based upon our experience and are believed to be accurate. No other guarantee or warranty is made or implied by contract, statute, common law, merchantability, fitness, for a particular purpose or otherwise, as conditions and methods of the use of products are herein described are variable (e.g. weather etc.), and beyond our control. This information and any products are provided on the conditions that the user will evaluate them for himself, as well as, any recommendations to determine their suitability for his own purposes before adoption.
*GrowMateTM products are compatible with most phytosanitary, fertilizer/nutritional products and herbicides, except those with low pH (between 2 and 3) or very high pH (9 and above).