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GrowMate® Sal-Gone is a mix-product designed to dominate the sodium contamination in the soil due to spills of brine.
1.) Test soil for additives needed.
2.) Till or plow the soil to incorporate waste.
3.) Spray contaminated area with GrowMate® Sal-Gone diluted at 10.1 and insure good coverage. Rates of 27 gallons per acre foot UP TO 82.5 Gallons may be needed for first spray. ** One gallon GrowMate® Sal-Gone treats Approximately 790 sq. ft.,10 inches Deep.**
4.) Re-till or plow to incorporate product into the soil.
5.) Repeat Step No. (3 and 4).
6.) Plant vegetation if required.
7.) If Remediade is needed, apply it first diluted 20 to 1 and till into the soil. Fertilizer needs can be applied at any time.
GrowMate® Sal-Gone is a mix-product designed to dominate the sodium contamination in the soil due to spills of brine.
- It blocks effectively the sodium ions involved in plant growth and drama-tically increases the ion exchange capacity in soil.
- This increase in ion exchange capacity prevents the reaction of sodium with the ground and allows the subsequent rain washes the ground sodium.
- Planting can begin immediately after treatment.
- In cases of extreme damage in to the soil structure, you must add Remediade to induce polymerization GrowMate® Sal-Gone and can add fertilizer to support plant life specified.
- A simply laboratory test can determine if they are necessary. After complete application, the planting can begin immediately.
- An average treatment consists of 55 gallons per acre foot applied in two separate levels of 28,000 ppm chloride applications.
1.) Test soil for additives needed.
2.) Till or plow the soil to incorporate waste.
3.) Spray contaminated area with GrowMate® Sal-Gone diluted at 10.1 and insure good coverage. Rates of 27 gallons per acre foot UP TO 82.5 Gallons may be needed for first spray. ** One gallon GrowMate® Sal-Gone treats Approximately 790 sq. ft.,10 inches Deep.**
4.) Re-till or plow to incorporate product into the soil.
5.) Repeat Step No. (3 and 4).
6.) Plant vegetation if required.
7.) If Remediade is needed, apply it first diluted 20 to 1 and till into the soil. Fertilizer needs can be applied at any time.
Shake the bottle well before using GrowMate® Sal-Gone, carefully open the package, measure with a probe or some other plastic utensil gradua-ted for this use the stated amount of GrowMate® Sal-Gone; Mix in a bowl the amount of product to use with water, stir, then add to the spray tank or backpack spray and shake again.
This product should not be ingested and should avoid contact with eyes, in case of contact with eyes, flush with water. The use of equipment (industrial lenses) is suggested. It does not cause skin irritation.
Do not transport or store with food for humans and animals, Keep it in a cool dry place at temperatures no higher than 50 degrees Celsius. Avoid leaving it in the sun, keep tightly closed in its original container product.
Manufacturer’s and Seller’s obligation is limited to the replacement of products due to defective quality only. Neither Seller of Manufacturer shall be liable for damages directly or consequently arising from the use of this product. All suggestions or directions made herein are based upon our experience and are believed to be accurate. No other guarantee or warranty is made or implied by contract, statute, common law, merchantability, fitness, for a particular purpose or otherwise, as conditions and methods of the use of products are herein described are variable (e.g. weather etc.), and beyond our control. This information and any products are provided on the conditions that the user will evaluate them for himself, as well as, any recom-mendations to determine their suitability for his own purposes before adoption.
Shake the bottle well before using GrowMate® Sal-Gone, carefully open the package, measure with a probe or some other plastic utensil gradua-ted for this use the stated amount of GrowMate® Sal-Gone; Mix in a bowl the amount of product to use with water, stir, then add to the spray tank or backpack spray and shake again.
This product should not be ingested and should avoid contact with eyes, in case of contact with eyes, flush with water. The use of equipment (industrial lenses) is suggested. It does not cause skin irritation.
Do not transport or store with food for humans and animals, Keep it in a cool dry place at temperatures no higher than 50 degrees Celsius. Avoid leaving it in the sun, keep tightly closed in its original container product.
Manufacturer’s and Seller’s obligation is limited to the replacement of products due to defective quality only. Neither Seller of Manufacturer shall be liable for damages directly or consequently arising from the use of this product. All suggestions or directions made herein are based upon our experience and are believed to be accurate. No other guarantee or warranty is made or implied by contract, statute, common law, merchantability, fitness, for a particular purpose or otherwise, as conditions and methods of the use of products are herein described are variable (e.g. weather etc.), and beyond our control. This information and any products are provided on the conditions that the user will evaluate them for himself, as well as, any recom-mendations to determine their suitability for his own purposes before adoption.